Man rolling on his side through the streets of Nepal


I’ve acquired an entirely different perspective on heat, heating, and getting through the winter. I have never thought about what winter is like in Nepal. There are places where it’s just warm all winter and everybody goes around as usual.…
People gathered in the city square of Nepal

Project: Nepal – Three Week Report

I’ve been here for three weeks. It’s maybe a good time to reflect on what I’ve accomplished so far and what I am still on tap to do. Volunteer Management: I’ve got rooms booked for Ellen’s visit, as well as…

Device Drill

One of the challenges of Nepal is the unreliability of the electricity.  If you have, as I do, multiple devices that all need to be charged enough to be of service, you need some kind of routine to make sure…
Screen picture of Worlds Clocks showing times around the world

Living in Two (or more) Time Zones

[Background sound effects: The group across the that meets for loudspeaker yoga and chanting in the mornings is making tiger screaming noises.] JF mentioned last night how strange it was for me to be heading off to bed on a…
Mountains of Pokhara, Nepal

Bus Trip Back from Pokhara

[Email to Jean-Francois] It was a grueling ordeal from beginning to end, but I kept repeating that the difference between an ordeal and an adventure is attitude. The road is really bad and you know what the driving is like,…

Innovation in Education!

Coming back from dinner last night, I thought maybe the internet would be faster down in the hotel lobby. All I wanted to do was to keep myself awake for a few hours before the jet lag cotton-brain descended. There…

Audio: Smog and Wild Driving

I am taking some audio clips as I travel. What I learned last time is that, though I name each clip in my iPhone, these labels do not carry over when I download them to the computer. Boo-hiss! So I’m…

Road Talk

When you are on the road, it’s often the people you encounter and the kinds of conversations that make the trip. Yesterday, we were getting ready to board the bus for the 7-hour trip to Pokhara. The trip’s local organizer…
Laptop and tablet sitting on a desk table top

The Mobile Office

What’s in my mobile office? Here’s the list: 13” MacBook Pro Charge cord for the Mac Foam/Cloth case for the Mac Big heavy book: Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual Lightweight second screen. Foam/cloth case for the 2nd screen…

Time Zones

I am time zone challenged. The only way I can tell what time it is in the States while I’m in Nepal is to add 15 minutes to the time and then add an hour and then switch from day…
Looking down on Machu Picchu, Peru

The Crazy Week

Every time I go on a long trip– and I’ve been on many months-long trips, starting in my 20s– the week before I leave is just always crazy. I find it difficult to sleep. I have a ticker-tape of thoughts…
Ornate frieze on a building in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Packing the Electronic Office

Jean-Francois and I had a spurt of packing energy last night and got me set up with an electronics and emergency overnight bag for the Nepal trip. I will be transferring my “office” to Nepal, so I need to have…