The Weather in Kathmandu

Entering a new era here at Worldstouch! I have had international projects before and have even blogged about them, but it has been nearly 7 years since I’ve been on my own, doing this work I love as WorldsTouch.

As I ramp up for a November 9th departure for two and a half months in Nepal, I’ll be blogging here and posting photos of my gear, my packing process. I’ll link back to Facebook, for my friends following this thread.


MacbookProI’ve been thinking about what I’ll take on this trip and decided I needed a new laptop, one that was lots lighter than the Lenovo ThinkBook I’ve got. I bought a MacBook Pro after having considered the Air. I wanted a LOT of Ram– got 8GB– and a zippy processor (2.7 GHz) so that gives me a good solid workhorse machine for many miles on the road.

I’ll have more on the technology toolkit as I get it together.


I just checked today, and here’s the lowdown on what to expect in terms of weather:

  • November Average in Kathmandu: 60 degrees Farenheit – 47-72 range
  • December Avg: 52, with 38-65 range
  • January Avg: 49, with 36-62 range

Clearly not frighteningly cold, but provision will need to be made for the chilly nights. It’s also important to keep in mind that rolling blackouts of electricity mean that whatever heating might be available is probably subject to sudden shut-offs when the electricity goes out.